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Dental Care For Adults

By: Garry Crystal - Updated: 12 Dec 2010 | comments*Discuss
Dental Care For Adults

By the time we become adults our dental regime should be firmly set in place-a simple twice a day brushing and flossing combined with regular dental visits. However, a busy work, social and family life can mean that we all too often neglect to apply daily dental care and our teeth may suffer as a consequence. All it takes for plaque to build up is a one missed cleaning of the teeth. A forgotten dental appointment could mean the difference between healthy teeth and an appointment with the dentist’s drill.

As we grow older our gums and teeth go through many changes, the older we get the mores likely our immune system will have trouble fighting infection. Good dental care for adults is vital towards preventing gum infection and tooth decay. A few minutes brushing and flossing each day are all that is required to keep plaque and infection at bay.

Keeping Cavities at Bay

Cavities do not just occur to sweet munching children; adults are also very susceptible to them. A few missed cleanings is more than enough to allow the bacteria in plaque to build up, this will in turn produce harmful acids that will create holes, or cavities, in the teeth. You will usually not notice tooth decay at this stage, but if left untreated the dentist’s drill will be needed, and then a filing. If the cavity is not filled then decay will begin to burrow through the dentine and the pulp, this is when the pain becomes noticeable.

Preventing Tooth Decay

The rules to preventing tooth decay are simple; brush twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, floss between teeth and keep sugary snacks to a minimum. A healthy diet also plays an important part towards good dental care for adults; the less sugary snacks and fizzy drinks the better. But even fruit, fruit juices, milk and many of the foods we eat contain sugar that will attack the teeth. Coffee, tea, cigarettes and wine will all contribute towards staining and darkening teeth. The only way to stop decay and keep a bright smile is to brush twice a day.

Gum Disease and Adults

Gum disease is one of the most common factors in loss of teeth and many adults will suffer from gum disease and infection at some point in their lives. Gingivitis is a common form of early gum disease caused by plaque building up on the teeth. Gingivitis can cause bad breath and bleeding gums, if left untreated the disease will turn into the more serious infection, periodontitis. Periodontitis can destroy the bone and tissue that supports the teeth, and pockets will appear between the gums and teeth, the end result may well be loss of teeth and bone damage. Again, these infections are easily prevented by a good, daily dental regime.

Medical Related Dental Problems

Adults who are taking some form of medication may find that they suffer from a condition known as dry mouth. This condition occurs due to a reduction in saliva flow and can also be caused by illness. Many painkillers, diuretics and antihistamines will cause dry mouth, and if left untreated the condition can damage the teeth. Oral cancer is another condition that can affect adults. Regular dental visits and check-ups are vital in order to detect oral cancer in its early, precancerous stage.

Daily Dental Regime

Good dental care for adults need only take a small amount of time each day. Three minutes of brushing in the morning and at night, along with one flossing of the teeth per day is an adequate amount to prevent many of the conditions mentioned above. For extra protection you can use a fluoride based mouthwash that may also help reduce plaque. Combining your daily dental routine with regular dental check-ups means that you are well on your way to keeping a healthy set of teeth and a winning smile for the rest of your life.

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